A good adult tricycle represents a sizeable investment of your money. You should always protect this investment with a good quality storage cover. Adult trike covers are not a ‘performance’ item, which means you may choose any one of them based on your own preference at your convenience.
We need adult trike covers to protect our tricycles from the sun and humidity. Some of us may not have a place for our trikes in the house and need to park them outside, at the car park, or on the balcony of the apartment. We’re sure you will hate to see your trike rust apart due to the outdoor humidity as time goes by.
We always suggest our readers pay a little bit more attention to the size and the quality of the adult trike covers. Make sure that the cover you are buying fits your tricycle in terms of length and height. It may not be necessary the lightest weight, but it should be easy enough to fold and strong enough to protect your trike.
One of our recommendations is the Adult Tricycle Cover by Formosa Covers. The product is made from Polyester fabric and it certainly can protect your trike from scratches, sun damage, and dirt. This cover is suitable for most Schwinn and Westport trikes. The cover’s size is 75″L x 30″W x 44″H and it comes with a carrying bag.
Another recommendation is the Sunlite Heavy Duty Plastic Storage Cover. This adult trike cover is made of heavy-duty water-resistant vinyl and designed with a drawstring for a secure fit. The drawstring in the bottom helps to keep the cover on in the substantial wind. The cover is sturdy and fits most of the trike models.
You can also try a motorcycle cover as most of them come with great quality: elasticated base, lines, and thick strong plastic. Gold Wing Trike Cover is one of the great ideas.
So get yourself a trike cover today to protect your tricycle from rain, dust, and other damages.