There are various types of tricycles to suit different people’s needs. When planning to buy your first trike, you might find all the different brands, designs, and models a little overwhelming. Here are a few pointers to help you familiarize yourself with tricycles.
Delta vs. Tadpole
These two terms may seem new to you, but they are actually fairly easy to differentiate. A delta tricycle has two wheels at the rear while the tadpole has two wheels at the front.
Upright vs. Recumbent
There are two forms of tricycles; upright and recumbent. An upright trike is similar to a children’s tricycle, with the rider remaining in an upright position, whereas recumbent tricycles place the rider in a more reclined position. There are many designs of recumbent trikes, some of which are fairly tall and some of which are quite low.
Tandem vs. Sociable
A Tandem Trike is designed to be ridden by more than one person, with the riders seated from front to back. A trike that the riders are seated side by side is called a sociable trike.
Price Range
Generally, upright tricycles tend to be cheaper than recumbent trikes. The price of a tricycle depends on its mechanical features, such as if it has a folding function, the materials it is made from, whether it is single or multiple speed, etc. The more solid or complex built a trike has, the higher its price is likely to be. The most expensive trike would be a hybrid or motorized tricycle, which costs in excess of a thousand dollars.